Shoppingcentret Santovka

I shoppingcentret Santovka i Tjeckien går det spårvagnar ovanför takkonstruktionen. Man använde FOAMGLAS®-skivor för att kunna bära upp den enorma vikten från spårvagnarna, nästan 100 ton. Skivorna är mer eller mindre helt omöjliga att komprimera, vilket gör det här taket till det med högst lastbärande förmåga i hela Europa.

Atelier 8000
Trafficable deck

The challenge of running a tram line through ground level sections of this busy shopping district presented the designers with some headaches.

With a 100 tonnes tramway alongside buses and lorries, how was the roof beneath going to be insulated?

FOAMGLAS® insulation does not deflect or compress under load. The product range includes FOAMGLAS F which has a load-bearing capacity of more than 160 tonnes/m2 (1.6 MPa).

Rail vehicles subject structures to high dynamic loads and intense vibrations; acoustic layers of rubber mats and a solid “floating” reinforced concrete slab was incorporated into the structural design. In this roof build-up, only the waterproofing and acoustic rubber mat will compress and move as the tram and vehicles pass by.

This roof is bearing one of the highest loads required in Europe and thanks to FOAMGLAS® , it is also reliable and efficiently insulated.


som används i detta projekt

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