Casa Bianca Russa

La Casa Bianca Russa, che ospita il parlamento russo, è uno degli edifici più importanti di Mosca. Quando il governo di Mosca ha deciso di ristrutturare il tetto piano, FOAMGLAS® è stata la scelta migliore: questo isolamento garantisce una protezione della struttura dell'edificio a lungo termine, evitando costose sostituzioni.

Vladimir Ilyin
OOO Zodchiy
Compact Roof with paving slabs

Government of Russia Building, also known as the Russian White House, serves as the Russian Parliament. It was designed by the architects Dmitri Nikolaevich Chechulin & P.P.Shteller. The Construction started in 1965 and ended in 1981. This beautiful skyscraper of 119 meters high is built on the opposite bank of the Moskva River from Hotel “UKRAINE”. Clad with white marble and a relatively narrow red granite strip around its base, it is one of the most important building in Moscow. An inscription at the base of the tower reads: “The House of the Government of the Russian Federation”. The building was involved in the notorious attempted coup to overthrow the government in 1993, during which the tower was eventually bombarded by heavy artillery.

The Government of Moscow decided to refurbish the flat roof of this building with cellular glass insulation. The FOAMGLAS® Compact Roof was the only true choice. The insulation is fully bonded to the structural deck using hot bitumen and as waterproofing two-layer bitumen roofing sheets were applied. This roofing solution does not only protect the building’s structure in the long-term, but also protects the owner against expensive replacement or refurbishment.

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