FOAMGLAS® TAPERED F consists of FOAMGLAS® F slabs which are tapered across their width, or sometimes their length. A central arrow stamped onto the top surface indicates the direction of fall.
Tapered Insulation System with the highest compressive strength
Product type TAPERED
Using the original Architect's CAD drawings, the FOAMGLAS® tapered insulation schemes are individually calculated and prepared for the specific building application such as roof or floor. This process ensures the correct drainage is achieved. The insulation is specifically factory machined and numbered to suit its relative position within the designed tapered insulation scheme.
Grade F
Offering the highest compressive strength of any FOAMGLAS® product, FOAMGLAS® F is used above or beneath floor slabs, and upon roofs where the compressive loads are high. A typical example would be regular heavy traffic such as trucks and emergency vehicles. It has a thermal conductivity (lambda value) of 0,050 W/(m·K) and a max compressive strength of 1600 kPa. Compressive strength requirements for any application should always be confirmed with a structural engineer to ensure the correct product specification.