Kraví hora svømmehal

Kraví hora svømmehal i Tjekkiet har modtaget en pris for sin diskrete struktur og lette udtryk. Det kompakte FOAMGLAS®-tag er let og meget tyndt, hvilket giver mulighed for at bevare bygningens overordnede lethed. Det har også en fremragende modstandsdygtighed over for brand, hvilket er en afgørende fordel for tage over offentlige områder.

Atelier DRNH
Compact Roof on timbering

The swimming pool project at Kraví hora in Brno won an architectural award for its subtle structure and the appearance of “lightness”. The FOAMGLAS® flat roof insulation system played an essential role in the architecture. The building appears lightweight and slim; overall the plywood, insulation and membrane build up is only 200mm thickness.

With this unique slim construction, the roof functions perfectly, over the warm high humidity pool environment. The lightweight, FOAMGLAS® roof insulation system is fully bonded to the structure. FOAMGLAS® is vapour tight and when the insulation joints are filled with adhesive, this system performs two tasks; both Insulation and VCL. Heavy Ballast (as used with inverted roofs) and vapour control layers are not required. FOAMGLAS® also has an extremely good fire rating which is crucial for roofs over public spaces.


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