Alhondiga de Bilbao

The Council Alhóndiga is an old building and a crucial part of Bilbao’s history. It was also recently renovated. FOAMGLAS® insulation made it possible to construct a lightweight, compact metal roof with non-thermal structures that is vapour tight and avoids condensation. The result is a simple, long-lasting solution for the roof.

Jose Luis Burgos Cid (UTE MECSA - OVE ARUP)
Roofs UTE Dragados / Balzola
Building type
Public building
Compact flat roof on trapezoidal metal deck

The Council Alhóndiga of Bilbao is an old building that has been part of Bilbao history for generations. The renovation process took several years to be initiated. Starck understood the importance of this building for Bilbao residents and its potential as a launching platform for the future of the city.

As a general strategy the roof has as environmental aim to reduce energy consumption and at the same time to allow a natural light source over the swimming complex of the Alhóndiga. With this purpose the project includes a light metal compact roof. The use of FOAMGLAS® has enabled performing a very light compact roof construction with non-thermal bridges. The recycled cellular glass as vapor tight layer avoids condensation pathologies, simplifying the structure of the roof.

FOAMGLAS® solution

used in this project

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