State library

To protect and conserve the priceless collection of books and cultural goods in The Berlin State Library, the storeroom building has a FOAMGLAS® cellular glass compact roof with roof vegetation. Cellular glass offers protection against ageing processes, rain and fire because it is water and vapour resistant, as well as non-flammable.

Eberhard Wimmer Architekten BDA, München
Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
Building type
Green compact roof

The FOAMGLAS® cellular glass compact roof with roof vegetation is the design highlight of the Berlin Friedrichshagen library archive building design by architect Eberhard Wimmer. Durable and long lasting, FOAMGLAS® was chosen as the ideal roof insulation for the important building which stores, protects and conserves priceless books and cultural items.

Cellular glass provides protection against the thermal ageing processes, precipitation and fire because it is water and vapour-resistant and non-flammable.

The design selection panel commented that. “The roof design promises both cost-effective construction, and most importantly minimal long term maintenance costs”.

FOAMGLAS® cellular glass is widely acknowledged to be an eco-friendly, long lasting, non-toxic, fire proof construction material.

FOAMGLAS® solution

used in this project

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