Pinar logistic

The parking roof of the enormous 25.600 m2 Pinar Logistic Centre required insulation material that wouldn’t deform over time. FOAMGLAS® cellular glass insulation has the highest compressive strength of any insulating material. There is no risk of movement or deformation. The long-term insulation is here to stay.

DEA Yapı Taahhüt İnşaat A.Ş
Heavy-duty parking roof

Located in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul; the 25,600 m². Yaşar Holding Pınar Logistic Center gathers management, offices, and storage departments under one roof. Three levels of office space, warehouse and vehicle zones, have inner courtyards giving quick connection between offices and the environment.

Accessible podium roofs such as terraces and parking areas experience a great deal of stress from constant dynamic loads and continual usage.It is crucial the insulation and waterproofing membrane withstand all loads without movement or deformation. Thermoplastic insulation materials deform over time, diminishing the thermal performance and causing unnecessary stress to the waterproofing membranes.

FOAMGLAS® cellular glass insulation has the highest compressive strength of any insulating material. There is no risk of movement or deformation, and no risk to the waterproofing. With unbeatable compressive strength and a proven long term insulation performance, the FOAMGLAS® compact roof has no competition.

FOAMGLAS® solution

used in this project

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