Pool Fire Suppressant Generation 2

Thermal insulation solutions for LNG pool fire fires . Our FOAMGLAS® PFS™ Generation 2 pool fire suppression system complements any safety program by delivering a reliable, low cost, low-maintenance passive solution for the reduction of thermal radiation and flame height in contained liquid natural gas (LNG) fires.
Industrial fire safety is more important now than ever before. Production demands require oil and gas facilities to run continuously without fear of costly safety issues. Many companies are also assigning a greater priority to communicating their successful safety records both internally and externally.
After widespread adoption of the Generation 1 system, we introduced the FOAMGLAS® PFS™ Generation 2 pool fire suppression to address requirements for extended resistance to weathering and poor climatic conditions, as well as improve the working surface to ease snow removal. This system complements any safety program by delivering a reliable, low cost, low maintenance passive solution for the reduction of thermal radiation and flame height in contained liquid natural gas (LNG) fires. FOAMGLAS® PFS™ system is easy to install and can provide immediate mitigation of the thermal flux, rate of combustion, view and overall size of an LNG pool fire.
FOAMGLAS® PFS™ pool fire suppression system assists in providing immediate and automatic control of LNG pool fires. The FOAMGLAS® PFS™ pool fire suppression system has been tested to show that both radiant heat and flames were significantly reduced when used as a passive system prior to a gas leak when compared to traditional foam suppression systems used as the only method to attenuate pool fires.
The FOAMGLAS® PFS™ system contains specially formulated low-density cellular glass that has a combination of physical properties not found in traditional fire suppressant foams. Made of cellular glass, the material is both extremely buoyant and nonflammable. The pool fire suppressant module is non-corrosive and resistant to water and vermin. It is also fiber-free, and has a high compressive strength. The FOAMGLAS® PFS™ system works in conjunction with fire fighting foams. Damaged or post incident waste materials can be disposed of as standard refuse, and can be compacted for reduced waste volume.
- A passive system that remains in place
- Provides immediate and automatic control of LNG pool fires
- No deployment delays
- Highly buoyant
- Rises immediately to the surface of the LNG
- Provides an insulating cap that can aid in reducing vaporization
- Quickly limiting thermal radiation and flame height
- Works in conjunction with fire fighting foams
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